Project Proposal & Report Writing For NGOS
Project Proposal & Report Writing For NGOS
Coursadan waxaad ku baraneysan sida loo qoro project proposal-ka iyo report-ka. Course-kan wuxu kaa caawinaya sida aad ku helileheyd in aad ku guuleysato mashruuc adigo qoraya proposal qurux badan oo soo jiita qolooyinka deeq bixiyaasha ama maamulahaada. Coursadan intee socoto waxaad arki doontaa project proposal iyo report oo practically hore loo qoray sababayna ku guuleysiga mashruuc hormarineyd
Course Curriculim
- section 1: Introduction to Project Proposal
- Section 2: Writing Project Proposal
- Section 3: Others of the Project Proposal
- Section 4: Introduction to Project Report Writing
- Section 5: Writing Project Report
- section 6: Others of the Project Report Writing